Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Exhibition Night, April 2013: APAC

This months adjudicator was Wes Bergen from the Lions Gate Camera Club. The assigned topic was "after the rain".
Top Scorer was Bob Friesen, Score 25 out of 30
Assigned 1st Place, "spring showers", score 25

2nd and 3rd place were Jeremy Wedel & Phil Dyer respectively.
"Puddle Jumper", score 24  & "Liquid Gold", score 24
To see the winning category images Please click READ MORE.

Monday, April 8, 2013

"Slipping Away" by Sandra McMartin: APAC

One of our own Club members, Sandra McMartin has a Gallery showing with the Mission Arts Council. We hope you can all come and enjoy her work.

"I am captivated by graffiti artists. Most art is about leaving a legacy, something permanent, to give voice to an inner vision that you want to share and be remembered by. Graffiti is more akin to digital photography, transient unless transferred to a more permanent medium. Most art is protected by copyright, but graffiti is interactive. Someone paints something, someone adds something else, maybe things peel away and a new image is born. It is never stagnant. The art is the process, not the finished product."

I hope you can join me at the Mission Art Gallery on May 4th, 2013 from 1-4pm. I would welcome the opportunity to share with you my love of graffiti and photography. If you are interested in viewing more of my work please visit my web-site at"     -Sandra McMartin

Sunday, April 7, 2013

When Depth of Field is Never Enough: APAC

February's program night was an excellent presentation of  "focus stacking" by one of our own members, Eb Mueller.
Check out his presentation notes here and view more of his work here

36th Annual APAC Seminar, October 26th, 2013: APAC

This years APAC Seminar Key Note speaker is the amazingly talented Tony Sweet. Book now!